The Art of Seduction
With his comedy show “The Art of Seduction” Max Normal brings his vision of the polite and eccentric English gentlemen to the stage. This one man show crosses many theatrical genres, including theatre, satire, magic, sideshow, stand-up, circus and the long tradition of English humour. The style of the show is drawn from the irreverent street theatre scene, combined with modern vaudeville. This ‘new variety’ style is becoming hugely popular around the world, with it’s direct contact with the audience and its emphasis on enjoyment.
How does one describe “The Art of Seduction”
An Englishman coming to talk about sex and seduction?
Surely some mistake.
Considering the reputation of the English and sex, you can’t expect to learn much about seduction and love. A one man cabaret show that gives us a glimpse into Max Normal’s ideas on the Art of Seduction, where all is perhaps not as normal as it seems. In both history and literature much has been written about the gentle art of seduction. Max has nothing extra to say, but he does say it well.
A comedy and vaudeville style show, full-bodied and slightly fruity, with a hint of magic, flavours of circus, a touch of the ridiculous and lots of laughter.
A show suitable for all ages and most species. Adults will just laugh at the ridiculous antics, teenagers can see it as a sex education class, rabbits might wonder what all the fuss is about.”